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“Important how social structures affect the spread of a pandemic”

26 November, 2014

“We use mathematical models to study the spread of infectious diseases, especially how social structures affect the spread. When health authorities try to stop epidemics or pandemics, taking control measures, they usually change the social structures that are there in society. Therefore it is of key importance to understand how social structures increase or decrease the spread of a disease and the impact of a disease”, Pieter Trapman.

Pieter Trapman, guest in Crosstalks on pandemics “Outbreak – The threat and battle of pandemics”, is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University.

Hi’s research interest is in mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, especially in the development of stochastic models for the spread of epidemics.

“Nowadays many models used ignore most of the social structures. We try to use mathematical models to see what the effect is of this ignoring of the social structure and whether control measures are still effective.”

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