Imagining the possible

The submarine, the helicopter and the atomic power are all inventions that were in some way inspired by the fictional works of authors like Jules


Work in the 21st century

Experts and reports claim that half of all jobs on today´s market is said to be gone in 20 years. Automation and artificial intelligence is …

The future of cities

The world is moving from agrarian to urban at a faster pace than ever before, according to reports. By 2050, two out of every three

Giant interstaller vehicle contains city

Looking to the stars – the new space age

The new space age is here – and it´s quite different from the previous space heyday of the 60s and 70s. We are possibly on …

The dilemma of human enhancement

Humans have always had a desire to make themselves better, faster, stronger and smarter. Today we can. With implants, nanotechnology, artificial body parts and smart

The promise and threat of artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence might soon be as ubiquitous as electricity in our everyday lives. The possibilities are seemingly endless. But some argue that the rise of …

Get smart: lifelong learning and relearning

The world has changed drastically in the last 20 years. Yet the institutions and structures we use to educate people are often hundreds of years …

Understanding and mapping the human brain

What do we really know about the human brain? And how are researchers working to learn more? We discuss interesting and promising ways that researchers …

Green innovation: the forest as a resource for a better future

Healthy, thriving forests are crucial for sustaining life on earth. Humanity´s impact on climate and ecological systems is threatening the forests. But the forests are …

Game on: how gaming defines our culture and vice versa

Games are becoming a dominant cultural medium with a growing influence over other fields. But the gaming world is not a single entity. On one …


The power of the human voice.

How humans communicate is gaining importance in an ever-increasing pace of information flow. But have new technologies affected the way we interact in a way …